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Arjun Beautician

In a small town in India, there lived a boy named Arjun with his mother and father. Arjun was not good at studies and often struggled in school. However, his father believed that education was the key to success and encouraged him to pursue a career in engineering.

Despite his father's wishes, Arjun struggled in engineering college and failed two years in a row. His father became increasingly worried about his future and wondered if his son would ever be able to find success.

Meanwhile, Arjun's mother ran a small beauty parlor in their town. She had always been interested in beauty and loved helping women feel confident and beautiful. Arjun would often visit his mother's parlor and watch the women get dolled up by the professionals. He would help out as an assistant, handing over makeup supplies and doing small tasks around the parlor.

One day, while the parlor was busy with customers, one of the professionals was absent. Arjun's mother asked him to do the eyebrow of a customer. Arjun was hesitant at first, but his mother guided him through the process, and he did it well. From that day on, Arjun started doing salon things.

As he spent more time working in the parlor, Arjun discovered that he had a natural talent for makeup and hairstyling. He enjoyed experimenting with different looks on himself and found that he enjoyed the process of transforming himself into a more feminine version of himself.

One day, when the parlor was empty, a new girl came to learn skills from Arjun's mother. She wanted to practice doing makeup on someone, and Arjun's mother asked Arjun to help out as a model.

Arjun was initially hesitant, but he agreed. He went into the dressing room to change into a salwar kameez, and when he emerged, the girl was waiting for him with her makeup kit.

She started by cleansing his face and then applied a moisturizer. She then applied a primer to his skin to ensure that the makeup would stay put. She chose a light foundation that matched Arjun's skin tone and applied it using a beauty blender. She then contoured his face with a powder that was a shade darker than his skin.

The girl then moved on to the eyes. She applied a neutral eyeshadow to Arjun's eyelids and added a bit of shimmer to the inner corners. She used a liquid liner to draw a thin line along his upper lash line and winged it out slightly. She finished the look with some mascara.

Once the makeup was done, Arjun's mother asked him to change into a saree. The new girl was learning how to drape a saree, and Arjun was happy to be her model. His mother helped him change into a beautiful pink saree with golden embroidery. The girl began to drape the saree, tucking it in at the waist and pleating it neatly. She then draped the pallu over Arjun's shoulder and secured it with a pin.

Finally, it was time for Arjun's hair. The girl asked Arjun what kind of hairstyle he wanted, and he asked for a messy bun. The girl began by teasing his hair at the crown to create some volume. She then pulled his hair back into a ponytail and secured it with a hair tie. She twisted the hair and pinned it in place to create a messy bun. She added some hairspray to keep everything in place.

When the makeover was complete, Arjun looked like a beautiful young woman. His mother and the new girl were very impressed with the final outcome. They asked Arjun to take a few photos so that they could showcase his transformation on social media.

One day, the beauty parlor received an order for bridal makeup. Arjun's mother was excited about the opportunity and decided to take Arjun with her as her assistant. She dressed Arjun in a beautiful lehenga and they headed to the bride's house.

As they started working, Arjun watched his mother apply the makeup with precision and skill. He helped by holding brushes and passing makeup products. As the makeup application progressed, the bride was impressed with the final result and thanked Arjun's mother. The other ladies present also praised Arjun for his stunning appearance and how well he did the makeup.

However, they all thought Arjun was a girl and kept referring to her as "her" and "she". The bride complimented Arjun on her appearance and asked her about her family and personal life. Arjun's mother smiled and politely answered the questions, not revealing that Arjun was, in fact, a boy. Even as they were leaving, some ladies asked Arjun's mother if she had any other daughters who were unmarried.

Arjun's mother smiled and said she would check with Arjun and let them know. Arjun was pleased with his performance and how the ladies were impressed with his work and appearance. However, he felt a little uneasy about the ladies assuming he was a girl. He decided to talk to his mother about it later and figure out how to handle such situations in the future.

Arjun started to embrace his feminine side and began dressing up more and more like a girl. His figure, skin, and hair began to look more and more feminine, and he found himself enjoying working in the parlor more than he ever enjoyed engineering college.

As Arjun spent more time working in the beauty parlor, he started to develop a keen interest in makeup and fashion. He began to experiment with different makeup looks, trying out various shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, and blush. He learned how to contour his face to make it appear more feminine and practiced different ways of applying eyeliner to achieve a more dramatic look. Over time, his makeup skills improved, and he became more confident in his ability to create beautiful looks.

As he spent more time around the other women in the parlor, Arjun also started to notice changes in his body. His skin became smoother and clearer as he learned the importance of skincare. He started to develop curves in all the right places and his waistline became more defined. His hair grew long and silky, and he learned how to style it in a variety of different ways, including braids and loose waves. He began to adopt more feminine mannerisms, speaking in a softer, more melodious voice and moving with a graceful, feminine gait.

Arjun became more comfortable flaunting his femininity, wearing dresses and skirts that accentuated his curves and showing off his long, slender legs. He started to develop a keen fashion sense, learning which colors and styles looked best on him and experimenting with different accessories such as earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. He started to enjoy shopping for clothes and makeup, spending hours poring over fashion magazines and trying on different outfits.

With time, Arjun's confidence grew, and he started to become something of a fashion icon among the women who frequented the parlor. His face glowed with health and happiness, and he became known for his impeccable style and flair. People began to take notice of him wherever he went, admiring his beautiful, feminine features and graceful movements. He had truly embraced his feminine side and was happy to share it with the world.

Eventually, Arjun's mother and father realized that their son had found his calling in the beauty industry. They were proud of him and supported him as he pursued his career as a beautician. Arjun's father had finally come to understand that success came in many different forms, and that his son's happiness and fulfillment were the most important things.

As Arjun continued to work in his mother's parlor, his skills and confidence grew, and he soon decided to take over the running of the business. With his father's help, he expanded the space and upgraded the facilities, adding new equipment and hiring more staff. He wanted to create a welcoming and comfortable space for his clients, where they could come to relax and feel pampered.

In addition to expanding the business, Arjun also began his hormone treatment to fully transition into his female identity. He was determined to be true to himself and embrace his femininity in every aspect of his life. He felt empowered and confident in his new identity, and his clients loved seeing him embrace his true self.

One day, while at the parlor, Arjun met a handsome man named Karan who had come to drop his daughter off for a school event. They hit it off instantly, and soon began spending more and more time together. Karan's daughter also loved spending time with "Anjali," as she called Arjun, and the three of them became a little family.

As their relationship grew, Arjun and Karan became inseparable. They enjoyed going out on dates and spending time together at home, and Karan loved helping Arjun with the parlor whenever he could. They knew that their relationship was special and that they were meant to be together, and they were excited to see where their future would take them. Arjun felt like he had finally found his true love and was grateful to have someone who accepted him for who he was.

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