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I am Krishna Prasad from a middle-class family. I have two elder sisters and one younger sister. My father runs a small business. I am known for my brilliance in studies, and as a result, I secured a seat in a medical college. I am very happy about this opportunity, even though the college is located far away from my hometown. However, there is no hostel facility available, which means I have to find a place to stay on my own.

This college has gained significant fame over the years. Initially, it was exclusively for girls, but it became a co-education college just this year.

When I arrived in the city, I realized that I didn't have any relatives there. I started thinking about where I could stay. Although I had no fear of ragging since all the seniors were girls, I decided to book a lodge for two days while I searched for a room. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any suitable rooms. Nevertheless, I had to attend my classes, so I dressed up and headed to the college.

To my surprise, I noticed that there were many girls but no males around. Feeling a bit lost, I began searching for my class. I approached a girl and asked her where the first-year MBBS class was located. She kindly offered to show me the way and asked me to follow her.

She led me to a room where I found ten girls who appeared to be quite sophisticated and affluent. She exclaimed, "Hey girls, here comes our sweetest junior BOY. Shall we welcome him in our own unique way?" All the girls cheered in unison, expressing their agreement.

They formed a circle around me, and one girl closed the door. Another girl asked for my name. I introduced myself as Krishna. She immediately responded, "You have to tell us your full name." Realizing my mistake, I corrected myself and said, "Krishna Prasad." One girl, who seemed to be posh, approached me and slapped me hard, scolding me for not showing enough respect to my seniors. She demanded that I address all of them as "Madam" from that moment onwards. I nodded my head in agreement.

Then, another girl asked me a question, and I replied with a respectful "Yes, Madam." They proceeded to inquire about my bio-data, and I shared every detail with them. In return, they each repeated their names twice. The girls introduced themselves as Kalyani (the group's leader), Pallavi (the one who brought me there), Swetha, Sandhya, Rajini, Sujatha, Anushka, Sriya, Sneha, Jyothi, and Ramya. They emphasized that I must remember their names.

Feeling a sense of relief, I thought the interrogation was over. However, Sneha remarked, "If you don't know, we can measure your body structure. Take off all your clothes." I was shocked and pleaded with them to leave me alone. They all burst into harsh laughter, and Sriya said, "If you don't do it, I will." I remained silent, feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

Suddenly, from behind, one girl pulled my trousers down, and I was shocked and mortified. In that moment, I instinctively covered myself, feeling exposed and vulnerable. The girls erupted in laughter. Kalyani then suggested that I file a complaint about the incident. I begged Kalyani to return my clothes, and she agreed but on one condition. I asked, "What condition, Madam?" She replied, stating that I had to dress in female clothes and entertain them. I was taken aback by this demand, but I realized I had no other choice but to comply and listen to their instructions.

As Krishna stood there, shocked and humiliated, Kalyani and her friends continued to tease and taunt him. They insisted that he strip down to his underwear so they could measure his body and determine what size of clothes he would need to wear.

Krishna felt like he had no choice but to comply, so he reluctantly removed his clothes, leaving only his underwear on. He felt so exposed and vulnerable, especially with all the girls giggling and staring at him.

After taking his measurements, Kalyani and her friends pulled out a pile of clothes that they had apparently prepared ahead of time. They were all women's clothes, ranging from skirts and dresses to blouses and high heels.

Krishna protested, telling them he couldn't possibly wear women's clothes. But the girls just laughed and told him that he had no choice. They handed him a dress and told him to put it on.

Krishna hesitated for a moment, but eventually, he gave in. He slipped the dress over his head and zipped it up in the back. It felt strange and uncomfortable, and he knew he looked ridiculous.

The girls laughed and took pictures of him as he awkwardly stumbled around in his high heels. They made him try on several different outfits, each one more embarrassing than the last.

Krishna was mortified, but he couldn't deny that there was something thrilling about wearing women's clothes. He had never felt so exposed and vulnerable before, but he also felt a strange sense of liberation.

After the girls had finished laughing and taking pictures, they told Krishna that he could have his clothes back, but only if he promised to come back and dress up for them again.

Krishna knew he should be angry and humiliated, but instead, he found himself feeling excited and curious about what other outfits they might have in store for him. He knew he should resist, but he couldn't help feeling drawn to the idea of dressing up like a woman again.

Krishna had never imagined that he would be dressing up as a woman, but he had no other option. As he stepped out of the hostel in a salwar kameez, he felt a strange sense of fear and anxiety. However, he was soon greeted by the girls who had ragged him before. To his surprise, they were now friendly and helpful towards him.

Days turned into weeks and Krishna started feeling more comfortable in the presence of the girls. One day, they told him about the upcoming traditional day celebration in college. They suggested that he dress up as a woman again and participate in the event.

Initially hesitant, Krishna eventually agreed, knowing that this was his chance to redeem himself in front of the girls. The girls were excited to help him and they planned everything in detail. They decided that he would dress up in a saree this time.

On the day of the event, Krishna was nervous yet excited. He had never worn a saree before and the thought of it made him anxious. But with the help of the girls, he transformed into a beautiful woman. They applied makeup, did his hair, and helped him drape the saree perfectly.

Krishna looked into the mirror and was amazed at his transformation. He couldn't believe how beautiful he looked. The girls were equally impressed and complimented him on his appearance.

As he walked around the college, Krishna realized that he was no longer afraid of what people would say or think about him. He felt confident and comfortable in his own skin. He danced, laughed, and enjoyed himself thoroughly.

When the event was over, the girls hugged him and congratulated him on his amazing transformation. They told him that he was no longer a junior, but a friend. From that day on, Krishna was a different person. He became more outgoing, confident, and friendly towards everyone.

Krishna learned that it doesn't matter what others think of you, what matters is how you feel about yourself. He was grateful for the experience and knew that it had changed him for the better.

Krishna continued to embrace his feminine side throughout his college years, often dressing up in sarees and other feminine attire for special events and parties. He became good friends with the girls who had initially ragged him, and they often helped him with his makeup and hair.

As the years passed, Krishna's confidence in his feminine side grew. He even started growing out his hair and experimenting with different hairstyles. His friends always supported him and helped him embrace his true self.

Finally, the day of graduation arrived. Krishna was nervous but excited to walk on stage and accept his degree. He had decided to dress up in a beautiful saree and style his hair in loose curls. His friends had helped him with his makeup, and he looked stunning.

As he walked up to the stage, Krishna's heart was pounding. He was worried about what his parents would think of him dressed as a girl. But as he reached the podium and accepted his degree, he saw the look of pride and love in his parents' eyes.

They didn't care that he was dressed as a girl. They were just happy to see their child achieve their dreams. And for Krishna, that was the most important thing.

After the ceremony, his parents hugged him tightly and told him how proud they were of him. They even complimented him on how beautiful he looked in his saree and long hair. Krishna smiled, feeling happy and content.

The farewell party was a big success, and Krishna was the star of the show. He danced and laughed with his friends, feeling grateful for the amazing experiences he had had in college.

As he looked back on his college years, Krishna realized that his decision to embrace his feminine side had been the best decision he had ever made. It had brought him happiness, confidence, and most importantly, the love and acceptance of those closest to him.

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