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Rahul's Punishment

Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Rahul was known for his overbearing and disrespectful attitude towards women. He was often seen passing crude comments and making fun of girls, thinking it was just harmless fun. He was never really challenged on his behavior and he believed that he was invincible.

Rahul grew up in a male-dominated environment where he was never really taught to respect women. His father and uncles would often make derogatory remarks about women and this rubbed off on him. He never had any strong female role models in his life and this led to his negative views about women.

Rahul's behavior had earned him a reputation in college as a bully who never missed an opportunity to belittle girls. He enjoyed the attention that came with being popular and was convinced that he could get away with anything.

Despite his aggressive behavior, Rahul had a certain charm about him that made him quite popular with his male friends. He was also quite intelligent and had a way with words that made him stand out from the crowd.

However, his attitude towards women was a major flaw in his personality that needed to be addressed. One day, he crossed the line and insulted a group of five girls in front of the entire college. The girls were fed up with his behavior and decided to teach him a lesson that he would never forget.

They hatched a plan and invited Rahul to one of the girl's houses, where they made him drink a special potion that would transform him into a girl. Rahul, being ignorant of the girls' intentions, drank the potion and fell asleep.

The five girls had a plan to teach Rahul a lesson for his disrespectful behavior towards them. They decided to transform him into a beautiful girl to make him understand the struggles that women face. After luring him to one of their houses, they made him sleep and got to work.

The first step was to remove all of Rahul's body hair. One of the girls was a professional beautician, so she took care of this task. They used hot wax to remove the hair from his legs, arms, chest, and even his pubic area. Rahul woke up in pain but couldn't move as he was tied to the bed. The girls reassured him that everything was fine and they were just giving him a makeover.

Next, they began with the makeup. They started by applying foundation, concealer, and blush to his face to hide any blemishes or scars. They shaped his eyebrows using tweezers, and then added eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara to his eyes. One of the girls who was good at makeup did this part.

Then, they moved on to the hair. Rahul had short hair, so they used hair extensions to give him long, flowing hair. They styled it into soft curls using a curling iron, and then applied hairspray to keep it in place. One of the girls was a hair stylist, so she took care of this task.

They then chose an outfit for Rahul to wear. They picked out a cute and feminine dress that flattered his figure, along with a pair of heels to complete the look. The girls also added some jewelry, including earrings, a necklace, and bracelets.

Finally, they applied nail polish to Rahul's fingernails and toenails, and even gave him a pedicure. They used pink nail polish to match his dress and applied a clear coat on top to prevent chipping.

After several hours of hard work, Rahul was transformed into a beautiful girl. He was amazed at the transformation and how good he looked. The girls clicked a lot of pictures of him and made him look at the mirror. They let him stay like that for a few hours before taking him to college.

Overall, the girls divided their roles based on their skills and worked as a team to transform Rahul into a beautiful girl. They used various accessories such as hot wax, makeup, hair extensions, and nail polish to give him a complete makeover.

When he woke up, Rahul was shocked to see that he had transformed into a beautiful girl. The girls had done a complete makeover on him, including waxing his body, applying makeup, and dressing him up in a girl's attire.

Rahul was scared and confused at first, but the girls assured him that they would help him return to his original form once he learned his lesson. They made him attend college lecture on first day.

As Rahul entered the college as a girl, he felt completely out of place. He was wearing a tight-fitting pink dress that hugged his curves, and his long hair was styled in a braid that hung down his back. He was wearing makeup for the first time in his life, and he could feel the weight of it on his face.

The five girls who had transformed him were all around him, giggling and chatting. They had made sure to give him a bra to wear, but he still felt self-conscious about the way his breasts bounced as he walked.

He kept his head down and tried to blend in with the crowd, but he couldn't help but feel like everyone was staring at him. His movements were clumsy, and he kept tripping over the hem of his dress. The girls would gently guide him back on track, but Rahul could tell they were having a great time watching him struggle.

As they entered the lecture hall, Rahul felt his heart pounding. He was afraid of being discovered, of someone seeing through his disguise. He tried to keep his voice low, speaking only when spoken to, and he kept his eyes downcast.

Throughout the lecture, Rahul tried his best to focus on the material, but he couldn't help but feel distracted by the way his dress clung to his skin. He had never felt so exposed before, and it made him feel vulnerable.

The girls had warned him that he would need to be careful with his movements, and Rahul soon found out why. Whenever he moved too quickly or reached up to adjust his hair, he felt the straps of his bra slip down his shoulders. He would quickly adjust them, but he was always afraid of someone noticing.

Despite his fears, Rahul managed to make it through the lecture without anyone noticing his secret. As they left the classroom, the girls high-fived each other, congratulating themselves on their success.

Rahul, on the other hand, was relieved that it was over. He couldn't wait to go back to being a boy, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. He had never felt so beautiful before, and he knew that he would miss the feeling of being adored by the girls around him..

After the college experience, the girls decided to take "Riya" (the new name they gave Rahul) to a big ladies mall. They wanted her to experience a day in the life of a girl and learn how to behave and dress like one. Riya was nervous and excited at the same time. She had never been to a mall before, let alone shopped for girl's clothes.

As they entered the mall, the girls went straight to the clothing store. They picked out a variety of dresses, skirts, and blouses for Riya to try on. The girls helped her change into each outfit and gave her tips on how to pose and walk like a girl. Riya was amazed at how natural she felt in the dresses and skirts, and how they accentuated her curves.

The girls also took Riya to the makeup section and showed her how to apply different shades of lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow. They helped her pick out the perfect shade of foundation to match her skin tone and taught her how to contour her face to give the appearance of a more feminine jawline and cheekbones.

After a long day of shopping and trying on different clothes, the girls decided to take Riya to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Riya was nervous about eating in public as a girl, but the girls assured her that it was all part of the experience.

During dinner, the girls taught Riya how to eat like a lady. They showed her how to hold her fork and knife, how to take small bites, and how to chew with her mouth closed. They also showed her how to cover her breasts when she leaned forward to avoid any accidental exposure.

By the end of the day, Riya had transformed into a beautiful and confident girl. She had learned so much about how to behave and dress like a girl, and had grown to appreciate the challenges that girls face on a daily basis. She was grateful to the girls for showing her a new perspective on life, and was excited to continue her journey as a girl.

As they headed back home, the girls could see the transformation in Riya's confidence and demeanor. They knew that their plan had worked, and that they had successfully taught Rahul a valuable lesson. They were happy to have a new friend in Riya, and knew that they would always be there to support her on her journey as a girl.

Rahul, or rather Riya now, woke up early in the morning, feeling a bit groggy after the previous day's activities. But as soon as he opened his eyes, he remembered everything that had happened and felt a sudden sense of dread wash over him. He looked down at himself, still in the saree and the bun hairstyle, and felt a bit uncomfortable. But he knew that he had to do what was expected of him.

He quickly freshened up, put on some sindoor and a big bindi on his forehead, and went to the kitchen to start making breakfast for the girls. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he felt a pang of anxiety. He had never cooked before, and he had no idea how to make the dishes that the girls had asked for. But he knew that he had to try his best.

He started by making tea, which he had made before. Then, he started cutting the vegetables for the first dish, all the while struggling to manage his saree and the pallu that kept slipping off his shoulder. He felt a bit clumsy, but he managed to get the dish done in time.

Next up was the second dish, which was a bit more complicated. He had to follow the recipe that the girls had given him, and he had to do it perfectly. He chopped the vegetables, added the spices, and started cooking. He was constantly checking the recipe and making sure that he was doing everything right.

Finally, he started on the third dish, which was the most difficult of all. He had never made it before, and he had to follow the recipe to the letter. He chopped the vegetables, mixed the spices, and started cooking. He was constantly tasting the dish to make sure that it was perfect.

After a couple of hours, he had managed to make all the dishes. He served them to the girls, who were pleasantly surprised at his cooking skills. He sat down with them to eat, all the while making sure that his pallu was covering his chest properly, and that he wasn't speaking too much.

After breakfast, the girls assigned him the task of cleaning the house. He started by sweeping the floors, dusting the furniture, and wiping the surfaces. He was constantly adjusting his saree and trying to manage his hair, which kept getting in his face.

After he was done with cleaning, it was time to prepare lunch. He had to repeat the same process as breakfast, and this time he was a bit more confident. He had gotten used to the saree and the pallu, and he was able to move around more easily.

After lunch, he washed the dishes and the clothes, which was another new experience for him. He had never done laundry before, and he was a bit nervous about it. But he managed to get the job done, all the while feeling exhausted.

In the evening, the girls took him to the market to buy vegetables for dinner. He was a bit nervous about going out in public in a saree, but the girls assured him that it was okay. They even made him wear bangles and payal to complete the look.

Finally, after a long day of work, he started preparing for dinner. He was a bit tired, but he knew that he had to get the job done. He cooked the dishes, served them to the girls, and then washed the dishes once again.

As he lay down on the bed that night, he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to do everything that the girls had asked of him, and he had done it well. But he also felt a sense of relief, knowing that he wouldn't have to do it again anytime soon.

After three days of living as a girl, Rahul realized how difficult it was to be a woman in society. He learned to appreciate and respect the struggles that women faced daily. He apologized to the girls for his behavior and promised to change his ways.

From that day onwards, Rahul became a changed person. He started treating women with respect and stopped passing any derogatory comments. He became friends with the girls who had transformed him and would often join them in their activities, even dressing up as a girl.

The girls had succeeded in their plan to teach Rahul a lesson, and he had become a better person because of it.

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