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Sister Forced Brother

Tanush and his older sister, Rina, have always shared a complicated relationship. Rina is the typical older sister; she's beautiful, popular, and has always been the center of attention. On the other hand, Tanush is often seen as an oddball. He's not good at sports, has a weakness for Japanese anime, and collects porn magazines in his room. Despite their differences, they've managed to get along relatively well, until one fateful day when Tanush's secret collection is discovered.

It all starts when Rina comes home from college for the summer. She's been away for a year and hasn't been back to their hometown since. Tanush, eager to impress his big sister, sneaks some of his favorite porn magazines into his room, hoping she'll find them and be impressed by his "maturity." Little does he know, his plan will backfire horribly.

The next morning, Rina stumbles upon the magazines while searching for something else in his room. She's livid. Not only is she disgusted by the content, but she also sees this as a betrayal. She gives Tanush an ultimatum: either he agrees to be her personal model for trying out her new blouse designs or she'll tell their parents about his collection. Tanush, feeling trapped, reluctantly agrees.

The first few days are awkward as Rina begins to teach Tanush how to model. She teaches him how to walk, pose, and even groom himself like a girl. At first, Tanush is mortified, but as time goes on, he starts to realize that there might be an upside to this arrangement. For once, he's the center of attention, and his sister seems to be enjoying his company.

One day, Rina decides that they need to visit a beauty salon to complete Tanush's transformation. Tanush is nervous, but excited at the same time. They arrive at the salon and head straight to the hairdresser. Rina explains that they want to dye Tanush's hair auburn, which will complement his new wardrobe. As the hairdresser begins to work his magic, Tanush can't help but feel a thrill running through him. This is the first time in his life that he's been this pampered.

Next, they move on to makeup. Rina sits down beside him and begins to expertly apply foundation, blush, and eyeshadow. Tanush can't help but feel a sense of admiration for his sister's skill. She's always been good at everything, it seems. Even makeup. They spend hours in the beauty salon, making sure that Tanush looks absolutely stunning.

Finally, they head to the wig department to find the perfect wig to complete his new look. They try on several different styles and colors before settling on a long, curly wig in a shade of blonde that accentuates his features. Rina insists on having it styled to match his new hair color perfectly. As the stylist works her magic, Tanush feels like a whole new person. He's never felt this beautiful before.

The transformation is complete. They leave the beauty salon with Tanush sporting a brand new hairstyle, makeup, and wig. Rina is beaming with pride, while Tanush can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They head home, where Rina continues to teach him how to walk, talk, and pose like a woman. She also shows him how to use breast forms to accentuate his figure. At first, Tanush is mortified, but as time goes on, he finds himself becoming more comfortable in his new skin.

As the days go by, Tanush begins to see the situation from a different perspective. Sure, he's embarrassed and confused about his feelings, but he's also having the time of his life. He's never felt more beautiful or more important to someone before. He starts to realize that maybe, just maybe, there's more to life than just being the oddball brother. Maybe there's a chance for him to shine too.

One day, as they're practicing poses in front of the mirror, Rina looks at him and says, "You know, Tanush, you're really starting to grow on me. Even as a girl." She smiles warmly and reaches out to tousle his hair. For the first time in a long time, Tanush feels truly loved and accepted. Maybe this isn't such

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