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Summer Story

My life was so simple, I live with my Mom and Sister. I have a crush on my sister's friend, I always try to over hear their conversation and try to act like the way she likes. I even grew my hair, as she once said "Men with long hair are so cute". But one day it all changed.

Pooja di: bro what the hell? Did you propose to my best friend? How dare you?

Me: Di di please let me explain, really sorry for not telling but please. Listen to me.

Pooja: I going to kill you, wait until mom walks home. She will kill you, you thought she was mad because you got less marks? Wait until she hears this.

Me: Di I liked her the very first time, I saw her. Please try to understand please don't tell mom. I beg you, i will do anything you say.

Pooja: Do you even understand what you did? You proposed to my best friend.

Me: Di really sorry, I never meant spoil your friendship please di. But please don't tell mom, I'll do anything.

Pooja: Anything?

Me: Promise. Anything.

Pooja started thinking and with an evil smile.

Pooja: Well, i can consider keeping this a secret if you do what I say. No backing out, my friend just sent me the screenshot, so respond carefully.

Me: Di promise, I will do anything you tell me.

Pooja: Bro! I really like your hair, it's so long till your mid back. But I am tired of seeing you in a ponytail though, I think you would look good in a braid don't you think?

Me: Di please di no no.

Pooja: Did you just say no? Well then let's make it two braids.

Me: Di please di.

Pooja: Now let's add ribbons to it.

Me: Sorry Di, but please try to understand. I beg you please. I will wear a braid, please.

Pooja: Hmm, ok you can wear a braid for rest of your summer holidays. But only if you wear pigtails with ribbons like a good school girl.

Me: Di all summer?

Pooja: I am done, I am sending screenshots to mom.

Me: No no please Di, I'll do it please don't send. I'll do it, I swear. I'll go and get the comb.

Pooja: My dear brother, I am not going to braid your hair.

Me: Then who?

Pooja: That's not my problem, go ask mom that's your only option.

Me: Mom? Di how can I do that?

Pooja: As I said not my problem, and you can't tell mom about me or else, you know what's going to happen. Hey! Look mom is here. All the best.

I nervously started walking towards mom in the kitchen.

Mom: Still didn't get a haircut? How many times did I ask you to get a haircut?

Me: Mom please I told you, I like my hair long. Please help me out.

Mom: Ok tell me, what do you want?

Me: Mom..what I want is that.. I mean.

Mom: Stop wasting my time and just tell me or leave. I have to cook, maid is also here.

Me: Mom! My hair is disturbing me even in a ponytail can you... You braid my hair?

(Maid trying to control her laugh)

Mom: What are you talking about? You want me to braid my son's hair?

Me: Please Mom, its just that di looks so comfortable with a braid so I want to try it too thats all. Please please.

Maid took my mom aside to talk.

Maid: Madam if you say no, he will get more adamant and it will be on his mind all the time. Try to find a way so that he himself doesn't want to do this type of things.

Mom: Yes this makes sense.

They came back into the kitchen.

Mom: Ok you can braid your hair but I won't braid it but our maid will. Is that ok?

(I thought I just need to get my hair braided)

Me: Ok Mom

Mom: *shocked* not only that you need to wear pigtails with ribbons like a school girl. Is that ok?

(That is exactly what I want. OMG this is gr8)

Me: *with a big smile* Ok mom let me get the ribbons from sis's room.

Mom and maid were shocked as I left the room and returned with the ribbons and comb.

Now it got awkward for me as I had to sit in front of my mom as the maid sat behind me and started combing my hair.

I couldn't make eye contact with my mom, so I lowered my head and was waiting for the nightmare to be over.

Me: ahh

Maid: What happened?

Me: Do it slow, it's hurting.

Maid: Madam your son is so sensitive, not even my daughter complains while I comb her hair for school.

I could feel my mom's anger even without looking at her face.

Maid: Mom can you please check if the parting is correctly centered?

(What is wrong with this maid? Why she wantedly involving mom?)

Mom: (Trying to control her anger) ya it is fine.

Maid: Madam your son's hair so thick and long. I always thought such pretty hair is wasted on a boy. But now I guess it's not wasted.

(as she giggled)

My Mom's patience was were being pushed to the limit.

Maid started braiding my hair on one side and as she finished braiding one side, she asked me to hold my braid. While she does the other side.

So I held my braid and sat, maid moved close to my ear and said.

Maid: Usually men hold their women's braid but you are holding your own braid

And she laughed. It was so humiliating but I couldn't say a thing as Mom would kill me, if she knew.

She finished the braid on other side and started tying ribbons on my braids.

Maid: Madam look how thick the braids are. Did I do a good job? Does he look good?

My mom just left in anger and my maid pulled my braid and said I looked cute.

I was too embarrassed to even react. I walked into the sitting room to show my sister.

My sister burst into laughter and started taking pics, I tried to oppose but mom walked in and through my sister's old clothes on my face.

Mom: Since you like wearing braids like a girl, you should start dressing like one too. At least it will be easier to explain compared to why my son is wearing a girls hairstyle.

Me: But Mom.

Mom: *Slap* Shut up, you are going to style your hair like this and wear your sister's old clothes all summer.

Sis: Thank god! Mom my friends have been asking me why my brother has long hair. He was begging me to style his hair like this, I said no. Thought you would get angry so didn't tell you.

I was shocked. My sis stood behind my mom as she held the phone in her hand with her finger almost touching the share button. So I remained silent.

Mom: He is not even trying to deny it. Now go inside and change and make sure you stay like this all summer until your college starts.

I went in and changed into my sister's old school uniform and walked out.

I was surprised to see my sister and her friend, whom I proposed standing in front of me.

As they both burst into laughter and high fived each other as my sister said "told you this would work".

As the maid complimented my hair, I could feel my face turn red with embarrassment. My mom gave her a stern look, but the maid continued to braid my hair with precision. I tried to keep my eyes closed and not think about what was happening to me. Finally, the maid tied the ribbons at the end of my pigtails, and I could feel them bouncing against my back as I stood up.

Mom: Well, now you're ready for school, aren't you?

Me: What? School? But it's the summer holidays.

Mom: I know, but since you're so eager to wear pigtails like a school girl, you can wear them around the house all day.

Me: All day? But what if someone sees me?

Mom: That's your problem, not mine. If you want to act like a little girl, then you can deal with the consequences.

The boy spent his summer at home, but he didn't expect his hair to become the center of attention. His mother noticed that his hair had grown long and decided that it was time for a change. She suggested that he try out different hairstyles, from ponytails to braids to buns.

As the weeks went by, the boy became more and more fascinated with his hair. He would spend hours in front of the mirror, experimenting with different styles and trying out new hair accessories. His mother even taught him how to use a curling iron and straightener, and he loved the way his hair looked after he had styled it.

But it didn't stop there. His mother also encouraged him to try on some of her dresses and skirts, and he found himself enjoying the feeling of the soft fabrics against his skin. She even told him that since he had learned so many new "girl skills" during the summer, he would be living as a girl in the house from now on.

The boy was hesitant at first, but he soon got used to his new wardrobe and even started to enjoy wearing makeup and painting his nails. His hair continued to grow longer and longer

During the summer, the boy spent his days experimenting with different hairstyles and learning how to braid and style his long hair. He found it surprisingly enjoyable and relaxing, and soon he became quite skilled at it. He also started to experiment with makeup and different outfits, finding new and exciting ways to express himself through his appearance.

As the summer came to a close and the boy's hair grew longer and longer, his mother began to take notice. She was surprised at how good he looked with long hair and how natural he seemed in the feminine clothing he had been wearing around the house. She started to encourage him to continue exploring his feminine side, even suggesting that he start living as a girl full-time.

At first, the boy was hesitant. He wasn't sure if he was ready to take such a big step, but his mother reassured him that she would support him every step of the way. She arranged for him to be homeschooled, so he wouldn't have to worry about any teasing or bullying at school, and she helped him pick out new clothes and makeup to wear.

As the weeks went on, the boy grew more and more comfortable in his new identity. He started going by a new name and even began to develop a more feminine voice and mannerisms. He spent his days practicing his hair and makeup skills, and even started to post pictures of himself online, where he quickly gained a following for his stunning transformations.

In the end, the boy was happier than he had ever been before. He had found a new sense of confidence and self-expression, and his long hair and feminine style had become an integral part of his identity. And although some people might still judge him for his choices, he knew that he was living authentically and true to himself, and that was all that really mattered

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