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Sunil to Sonali

I am sunil.I am 18 year old orpange.My parents died during a

epidemic in our town.In our slum many antisocial activities are

going on.Hence police regularly raided our slum & arrest the

criminals .I alawys keep away from such activity.I am shy in

nature and also my body physiquie is also skiny type.Hence the

people around use to tease me.Hence I alawys keep away from them.I

use to work in a garment shop from mornig 8.00 to evening

One evening when I preparing my dinner two boys entered my house

followed by police.These boy had murdered some one in vicinity &

fleeing from the police.However police arrested them .But bcos

they were arrested in my house police thought I am one of them and

arrested me also and put me in lockup along with other boys.Due to

my femine looks the other boys started to tease me and one even

forcefully Kiss me.Suddenly all of us were call outside the cell

were made stand in line.There senior police inspector came for

interrogation and started asking quetions to each one of us.When

he came to I hold his leg and told him my story with tearful eyes.

He looked at me with a wicked smile and asked me "I can get you

out of here you have todo whatever I asked you to do."

I desperately want to get out of here hence I said"Yes I will do

anything for you"

He call a constable and whisper something in his ear and asked me

to follow him.The take me in a Jeep and drop me at a seculed

bungalow outside city boundary.As I entered inside the bungalow

there was old woman who is caretaker of the bungalow.Her name was

Janaki.She told me "Saheb has called and he will be here by

evening.Until then he had asked me to look after u"

He then take me to a bedroom and asked me to take a bath.I removed

my clothes and went for the bath.when I came outside by clothes

were not present .I asked the Janaki.She told me that my clothes

has been washed .I asked her for any other clothes but she that

all other clothes has been kept inside saheb's alamari she dosenot

have key for it.I asked her what to do .she said that u be on

towel and when saheb come he will give u some clothes.I thought

till then I will take a Nap as I had not slept from last

night.hence I slept onthe bed with my towel on.

I woke up due to some touch on my body.I opened my eyes it was

Sharma saheb Kissing me on my face.I push him away from me and get

out of the bed but he again push me on the bed I was shocked.

He started laughing and said "You have promised me you will do

anything for me."

I asked him with awe "But what are you doing"?

He looked at me with hungry look"I like boys with femine look.I

like to have s*x with them.whenever I got such a boy in my custody

I bring them here to my bunglow and transform them in woman and

enjoy them"

I was totally dumstuck "What do you want from me "?I asked.

"When I saw you I was immediately fixed on you.I saw a beautiful

woman in you.Now I want that woman."

I was afraid and angry.I tried to hit him,but he was too strong

for me .He slapped me across my face.I fell on the floor.

He shouted"You idiot ,now listen to me I have already register

your name in that murder FIR as main culprit and absconding.Now

either you will my bitch or you will be hang.Now what you want"?

I almost fainted hearing this .I thought about the situation.If I

refused him he will surely turn me in and I will be hanged .But if

I agreed I can get a chance to run away.

"Are you ready or not?"he asked again.

I nodded and lowered my head crying.

He smiled "thats like my girl.If you are thinking of runinng

away,forget it.Police are already looking for u as absconder.This

bungalow is the only place where they will not look for u.Now I

will come after two week meanwhile Janaki will preaper u for our

first night."saying that he kissed me and left.I fell on bed

crying hiding my face.

Next morning Janaki came to me and tell me to go and take bath.I

asked her about my clothes.She said you go and take your bath,I

will keep your clothes ready when you come outside".

He gave me two oils in bowl."Apply green oil to your hairs & red

to your body and then take bath?"

I went inside and did what she asked me to do.I applied oil and

take bath.To my surprise all the hairs on my body washed away and

my body skin has became smooth and glowing.On contrary to this my

hairs on head were smooth and straight.Previously my head were

neck length but due to straigthening they have reach to shoulder

height.even my face is been cleaned .thankgod I didnt applied that

oil to eyebrows.Now I was looking smooth as girl.I was very angry

with Janaki.I came outside wearing towel and call for janaki.She

came in the room.

"What was that oil.Look what it had done to me?"I asked angrily

"That was very secret ayurvedic oil which I had got from my

village.The one you applied to your body was for removing your

body hair and make ur skin smooth and the one u applied on your

hair is one which accelerate the growth of ur hair and make ur

hair straight and smooth."she replied.

"But Why?"

"Bcos men like long hair and smooth woman."

"But I am not woman"I shouted.

She said calmly"But u will.Uptill now the boy who were liked by

sharma saheb has been transform by sharma saheb as woman."

"I will run away from here"

"If you run away police will hunt you down and may kill u in an

encounter.choice is yours?"

I started crying .Janaki came near to me and said"Dont worry

beta.Once this transformtion is complete U will come to known that

womanhood is blessing.Sharma saheba as inhireted lot of wealth.The

boys who are transform by him are living a good life in society.He

is more attracted to you then anyone of them.for you he has

planned something special."

I cried and decied to resing to my faith.

Janaki"shall we start ur transformation now?"

I didnt reply and lowered my head.

Janaki take my silent has yes"O.K now first thing women never wear

towel at wrist they alawys cover their breast .afterwall that what

men like to see. So alawys when you came out tie your towel on


"But I dnt have breast"

She smiled sweetly and you will having it shortly.

I looked at her shockingly .

"now wear your clothes"

I looked at Bed there were no mens clothes on Bed.Only womens

clothes were there.

"where are my clothees?"

"from today onwards you will only wear womens clothes."


"Yes.then only u could bring out woman inside you"

My mind was block and I cannot think further.Idecided surrender to

my destiny.

I went to bed and look at look at clothes.It was bra panty ,inner

petty coat and salwar kameez.The bra was padded with foaming in cups.

"You will need them till you grow your own"

I try to wear bra by clapping the hook on front side but Janaki

stop me.

"A women should wear bra clapping hook backside"

I try that way but It was unable to do it.So Janaki come behind me

and clamp it .

"from next time you have towear it yourself."

Then she handed me inner white petticoat.Iwear it. after that I

wear salwaar and kurti.Janaki then gave me dupatta .

"A woman should alawys cover her cleavage.This dupatta is your

modesty.You should never let it fall from your shoulder .you have

to adjust it all the time and cover ur breast and cleavage."

I wear the dupatta on my shoulder.Janaki brought a pointed needle

and asked me to sit on the bed then she pierece my ear and

nose.Then she gave me a set of earings and nose ring to wear.I

wore that nose ring earring .Also she gave me a chain and a payal

to wear .

Then she brougta make up kit and did my makeup .

"Remember how I am doing it next time you have to do it yourself.A

woman should Know how tokeep herself pretty for her man."

I was hating this but I had no other alternative.After makeup was

over she brought in front of mirror.I was astonish to see how

easily I was transform into a woman.

But Janaki said"There is something missing.wait a minute."

She brought a bindi packet apply it at my forehead.

A woman was looking back at me from mirror.

As Sunil looked at his reflection in the mirror, he couldn't believe what he saw. His once masculine features were now replaced with delicate and feminine features. His hair was now long and straight, falling gracefully over his shoulders. He touched his skin and it felt softer than ever before.

Janaki entered the room with a tray of food and a smile on her face. "You look so pretty now," she said, placing the tray on the table. "I can see why Saheb was so interested in you."

Sunil looked down, feeling ashamed of what he had agreed to. He had no choice but to comply with Saheb's demands if he wanted to save his life.

Janaki noticed Sunil's discomfort and tried to comfort him. "Don't worry, my dear. Saheb may seem cruel, but he has a kind heart. He will take care of you and make you feel loved."

Sunil didn't believe her. He couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped in this strange place, with a man who wanted to use him for his own pleasure.

Days turned into weeks, and Sunil found himself becoming more and more isolated from the outside world. He spent most of his time in the bungalow, waiting for Saheb to arrive. Janaki kept him busy with various tasks, from cooking to cleaning, and even taught him how to dress like a woman.

Sunil had never felt so humiliated in his life. He hated wearing women's clothes and makeup, but he had no choice. He had to do whatever it took to survive.

One day, Saheb finally arrived. Sunil felt his heart racing as he heard Saheb's voice from the living room. He took a deep breath and walked out of the bedroom, trying to look confident.

As he entered the living room, he saw Saheb sitting on the couch, dressed in his usual regal attire. Janaki was standing beside him, holding a tray of snacks.

"Ah, Sunil," Saheb said, looking at him with a smile. "You look beautiful today."

Sunil didn't respond. He felt sick to his stomach as he realized what was going to happen.

Saheb motioned for Janaki to leave the room and then turned to Sunil. "Come here, my dear," he said, patting the seat next to him.

Sunil hesitated, but then slowly walked towards Saheb. As he sat down, Saheb put his arm around Sunil's shoulder and leaned in to kiss him.

Sunil turned his head away, feeling disgusted. "Please, Saheb," he whispered, trying to push him away. "I can't do this."

But Saheb was too strong. He pulled Sunil towards him and kissed him forcefully. Sunil felt tears rolling down his cheeks as he tried to resist, but it was no use.

After what seemed like an eternity, Saheb finally stopped and looked at Sunil with a wicked grin. "You belong to me now, my dear," he said, stroking Sunil's hair. "And you will do whatever I say."

Sunil felt his world crumbling around him. He realized that he had made a grave mistake by trusting Saheb. He had no idea how he was going to get out of this mess, but he knew that he had to try. He couldn't let Saheb destroy his life like this.

Sunil knew he couldn't stay in that place any longer. He had to escape before it was too late. Janaki had been kind to him, and he knew she could help him. So, one night, when Saheb was away, Sunil went to Janaki and begged her to help him escape.

Janaki was hesitant at first, but when she saw how desperate Sunil was, she agreed to help. She gave him some money and clothes, and showed him a way out of the bungalow.

As Sunil ran into the night, he realized that he had no idea where he was or how to get back to his village. But he knew he had to keep moving, so he walked for miles until he came to a small town.

He knew he couldn't go back to his village looking like a woman, so he decided to continue his journey as a lady. He changed his clothes and put on makeup to look more feminine, and started calling himself Sonali.

Sonali had never felt so free in her life. She could finally be herself and express her true identity without fear. She traveled from town to town, making a living by doing odd jobs and singing at local gatherings.

Eventually, Sonali reached a city where she met a kind woman named Reena. Reena saw something special in Sonali and offered her a job at her boutique.

Sonali was grateful for the opportunity and worked hard to prove herself. She quickly became a favorite among the customers, and even started designing her own clothes.

Years passed, and Sonali became a successful businesswoman. She had made a name for herself in the city, and people admired her for her talent and determination.

Despite all her success, Sonali never forgot where she came from. She often thought of Janaki, the woman who had helped her escape from the clutches of Saheb. She prayed that Janaki was safe and happy, and hoped that someday they would meet again.

In the end, Sonali realized that her journey had led her to a place where she could finally be true to herself and live a life she was proud of.

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Seema Pathan
Seema Pathan
Nov 19, 2023


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